Why do we choose to give back?
We believe that those who are truly successful are so because they understand the values of living in state of gratitude and the concept of serving others. While these values can be manifest in many different ways, the underlying core is the same.
It is for this reason the founders of this company have chosen to align themselves with organizations and community projects that share similar philosophies. On this page you will find organizations and projects in which we are involved. Check back for updates and chances to jump in!
The Harvest Drive was started in 1992 by Renee Herman and the staff and students at Country Isles Elementary School. It is an awe inspiring program to help families in need around Thanksgiving time. The program is founded on the principle of children helping children in a community-wide effort to stamp out hunger. In the beginning, through donations given by children in the schools and several sponsors in the community, families were given a weeks worth of groceries along with a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. Over the years, the project has evolved and grown into providing families not only with food but also clothing, books, toys, and baby items. Last year over 2,000 families were able to receive these incredible gifts.
Where: 10 locations in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties
When: Now through Thanksgiving
What: Provide one week’s worth of food, Thanksgiving dinner, clothing and toys for families that are unable to collect from other organizations.
SPECIAL NOTE: This can be duplicated anywhere in the country. The average cost to feed a family with two kids, give them toys and clothes was about $67!!
For more information, contact us or go to their website:
Other causes and organizations we support: